Knut Erik Evensen

Some tips on downloading and uploading DCPs and large files

Most festivals and cinemas now provide dedicated upload platforms for DCP delivery. These secure systems ensure reliable file transfer and maintain content security. Professional DCP Transfer Services in Norway: MovieTransit and Deluxe For digital cinema distribution in Norway, two primary services facilitate direct DCP delivery to theaters: MovieTransit and Deluxe. Both providers maintain secure local […]

Some tips on downloading and uploading DCPs and large files Read More »

Playing Blu-Rays in a Cinema

Blu-Rays and H264 files are sometimes used instead of DCPs when screening special content at cinemas. Modern Blu-ray players send the video and sound signal through the HDMI connection. When choosing which Blu-Ray player to use in a cinema/movie theatre you should first check if you need analog 5.1 sound output. Many Blu-Rays only have

Playing Blu-Rays in a Cinema Read More »