Using Save Package or Merge CPL in Easydcp Creator

In Easydcp Creator Plus 4, you can make supplemental packages that add different sound, and subtitle languages.

In this tutorial, I will demonstrate two powerful features of DCP management software:

  1. Using ‘Save Package’ to rename a Digital Cinema Package (DCP)
  2. Utilizing ‘Merge CPLs’ to combine two DCPs and selectively remove one version

These techniques are essential for efficient DCP management and can significantly streamline your workflow in digital cinema post-production.

By mastering these functions, you’ll gain greater control over your DCPs, allowing for quick modifications and consolidations without the need for complete regeneration. This can save valuable time and resources, especially when dealing with multiple versions or last-minute changes.

Let’s dive into the step-by-step process for each of these operations, complete with visual guides and practical tips to ensure you can confidently apply these methods to your own projects

Using Save Package to change the name of the DCP

“The ‘Save Package’ feature offers several useful functions for refining your Digital Cinema Package:

  1. Modify package details:
  • Adjust the name of the package
  • Update the content classification
  1. Fine-tune track alignment:
  • Correct offsets for both image and audio tracks
  1. Content management:
  • Remove unnecessary assets and tracks

It’s important to note that the ‘Save Package’ function primarily affects metadata within the XML files and may alter file names. This feature does not modify the actual content of the media files themselves.

By utilizing ‘Save Package’, you can make critical adjustments to your DCP without the need for complete regeneration, saving time and resources in the post-production process.

Changing the name of a DCP

Type in a new name in the content title text box, Easydcp Creator will also update the PKL name.

EasyDCP Creator

File – Save Package

Save Package

Merge DCPs with different languages to make a new language OV DCP

Enhancing your Digital Cinema Package (DCP) with new subtitles or audio doesn’t always require creating a supplemental package. The ‘Merge CPL’ (Composition Playlist) feature offers an efficient alternative.

Key benefits of using ‘Merge CPL’:

  1. Language Consolidation: Combine DCPs with different language tracks to create a new Original Version (OV) DCP with multiple language options.
  2. Resource Efficiency: Instead of generating entirely new MXF files, this process copies existing MXF files from the source DCPs to the new package.
  3. Streamlined Updates: For DCPs already hosted on an FTP server, you only need to:
  • Upload the new audio MXF files
  • Add the updated XML files
  • Remove the outdated audio MXF files

This approach significantly reduces file transfer time and storage requirements, especially beneficial when working with large DCPs or in bandwidth-limited environments.

By leveraging ‘Merge CPL’, you can efficiently manage multilingual content, update audio tracks, or add subtitles without the complexity of supplemental packages or the need for complete DCP regeneration.

Open the OV DCP

EasyDCP Creator

Use Merge CPL to add the supplemental package with the dubbed language

Package – Merge CPLs…

Merge CPLs

You will now have two CPLs. Instead of making a multiple CPL DCP, I delete the original composition and change the name of the dubbed version to OV.

Two CPLs

Click on the trash bin to delete the OV CPL


Rename the DCP from VF to OV

Rename to OV

Generate Package

Generate Package

Choose Copy MXF

Copy MXF

You now have a new OV DCP with dubbed language

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