Removing green tint from DCPs in Resolve

When viewing a Digital Cinema Package (DCP) in DaVinci Resolve that has undergone white point/chromatic adaptation from D65 to DCI White, you may notice an unwanted greenish tint in your image. To correct this color shift, simply:

  1. Add a new corrector node
  2. Apply the ‘Chromatic Adaptation’ Resolve FX effect
  3. Set the adaptation from DCI White back to D65

This adjustment will restore the image to its intended color appearance.

Settings Chromatic Adaption effect

Method = CAT02

Source Illuminant
Illuminant Type= Standard Illuminant
Std. Illuminant=DCI

Target Illuminant
Illuminant Type= Standard Illuminant
Std. Illuminant=D65

Current Color Space and Gamma
Color Space = Use timeline
Gamma = Use timeline

chromatic adaption effect

If a color tint persists after chromatic adaptation, you can fine-tune the image by adjusting the RGB primary gains.

  • For a greenish tint: slightly reduce green gain or increase red/blue
  • For a reddish tint: slightly reduce red gain
  • For a bluish tint: slightly reduce blue gain

Best Practices:

  • Make minimal adjustments (usually within ±0.05)
  • Monitor your changes on a calibrated display
  • Pay special attention to neutral grays and skin tones

Note: These adjustments should be very subtle. Dramatic changes to RGB gains can create new color issues and affect the overall color balance of your project.

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